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Anmeldedatum: 24.03.2004 Beiträge: 23
Verfasst am: 30.12.2007, 19:26 Titel: 1/64 RC Caddy Fleetwood lowrider VIDEO |
Hi there, sorry about the english...
It's been a while since I visited these forums but I want to let you know I finally have some updates and videoclip of the 1/64 Caddy Fleetwood lowrider I created.
This mirco lowrider is capable of driving back and forth, steer, lift and lower the rear and hop the front.
Enjoy the article and video!
null _________________ www.jevries.com |
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microsash Admin

Anmeldedatum: 28.12.2002 Beiträge: 18893
Verfasst am: 30.12.2007, 19:53 Titel: Re: 1/64 RC Caddy Fleetwood lowrider VIDEO |
Very nice
Only the hop in front looks a little unreal. A lift would be better, like the rear.
I just remember bei ZipZap Lowrider......should be rebuild with driving. _________________ **** www.crc-oberkirch.de *****

Zuletzt bearbeitet von microsash am 30.12.2007, 19:54, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet |
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Darkman Moderator

Anmeldedatum: 15.08.2002 Beiträge: 8357
Verfasst am: 30.12.2007, 19:57 Titel: Re: 1/64 RC Caddy Fleetwood lowrider VIDEO |
really cool! _________________
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Richie Admin

Anmeldedatum: 26.11.2002 Beiträge: 12434
Verfasst am: 30.12.2007, 22:06 Titel: Re: 1/64 RC Caddy Fleetwood lowrider VIDEO |
Cool ride.
microsash, didn´t you release a similar car some years ago? _________________ Arbeit ist der Fluch der trinkenden Klasse (O. Wilde) |
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microsash Admin

Anmeldedatum: 28.12.2002 Beiträge: 18893
Verfasst am: 30.12.2007, 22:18 Titel: Re: 1/64 RC Caddy Fleetwood lowrider VIDEO |
Yes, but i only had lift front and rear ( and downlight), but no drive and steering. The Zip Zap is not as large as the caddy, so there was no more space. _________________ **** www.crc-oberkirch.de *****
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Anmeldedatum: 24.03.2004 Beiträge: 23
Verfasst am: 01.01.2008, 19:15 Titel: Re: 1/64 RC Caddy Fleetwood lowrider VIDEO |
True about the hopping action..it is too fast in the video. I did some adjustments and it does a better job right now but still not perfect. You basically can't control the hopping it's all automatic by a push on the button.
If I'm going to build a new version it will be one without the hopping action.
It's def possible to use a regular bit car and make a full function lowrider car out of it.
_________________ www.jevries.com |
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